I guess I teach the most about the artists I love, because Andy too is one of my favorites. The forerunner of POP ART and his iconic Marilyn and Campbell's soup can prints cannot be beat. Andy was an individual and that's why I admire him most. He was unique, creative, and fun. I take Warhol's work and explain to the students what POP means. Why we call it POP music and POP art too. Instead of drawing soup cans, we draw POP Cans Each student is allowed to bring a can of pop for the class and "drink and draw". They draw one can and I then copy it four times for them on the copy machine, "a modern day way to print make." They they color in one can in the traditional can colors and in the spirit of Warhol change the colors of the other three. We then cut up the pop can and they staple on the pieces along with pop taps for a great frame. Here are some great pics! Also below the pics is a link if you would like to know more about Andy Warhol.
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